2024 Ethnic Events Calendar

January Events/Festivals
1st Western Samoa Independence day
February Events/Festivals
10th Year of the Dragon – Chinese New Year
24th Lantern Festival
March Events/Festivals
1st Korean Independence Movement Day
9th and 10th 2024 Pasifika Festival at Western Springs, Auckland
10th – 9th Apr First day of Ramadan
20th – 23rd Polyfest
April Events/Festivals
9th Last day of Ramadan
13th Baisakhi Festival (Indian Festival)
17th Rama Navami (Indian Festival)
May Events/Festivals
8th Korean Parent’s Day
12th – 18th Rotuman Language week
26th – 1st June Samoan Language Week
June Events/Festivals
4th Tonga Independence day
12th Philippines Independence Day Celebration
July Events/Festivals
7th – 13th Kiribati Language Week
12th Kiribati Independence Day
17th South Korea Constitution Day
30th Vanuatu Independence day
August Events/Festivals
4th – 10th Cook Island language week
9th Singapore National Day
14th Pakistan Independence Day
15th Indian Independence Day
15th National Liberation Day of Korea
18th – 24th Tongan Language Week
31st Malaysia Merdeka Day (Freedom Day)
September Events/Festivals
17th Moon festival
29th – 5 Oct Tuvalu Language Week
October Events/Festivals
1st Chinese National Day
6th – 12th Fijian Language Week
10th Republic of China/Taiwan National Day:
10th Fiji Independence Day
13th Samoan White Sunday
13th – 19th Niue Language Week
17th Chinese Mid Autumn (Moon Festival)
27th – 2nd Nov Tokelau language Week
November Events/Festivals
1st – 5th DIWALI (Indian Festival)
10th – 16th Papua New Guinea Language Week
24th – 30th Solomon Language Week
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